Responding to the present situation bent by the virus COVID-19, PromoCall is taking definite action protecting the health of our employees while at the same time offering uninterrupted service to all our clients. PromoCall, now has 2 separate locations housing up to 220 agents in Tijuana, BC Mexico; we are operating following the social distancing recommendation of the CDC. Our agents are working at least 6 feet a part to prevent the risk of contamination. Our staff is adhering to a strict hygiene protocol maintaining a healthy and safe work environment.
As of today, PromoCall is fully operational, however the company is ready to switch and implement the “Home Office” alternative. PromoCall, is proactively designing and executing a safe and efficient working environment for our agents to assure the unremitting commitment to our clients.
We understand that dependability, reliability and transparency during uncertain time such as this is a top priority for every business owner. In response to the critical situation generated around the world by the virus COVID-19, PromoCall is implementing diverse measures and precautionary activities aimed at safeguarding our agents. We are fully aware of the uncertainty and risk that COVID-19 has brought around the world. As such, Promocall is implementing a safe and efficient structure to continue servicing our clients and protecting our agents from the possibility of spreading the virus. We have crafted the “Home Office” platform, giving us the capacity to have our agents work from the contentment and shelter of their home under the sustained supervision of our management team. Each agent has a dedicated VOIP connection stipulating the highest level of cyber security and dependability.
Our supervisors are interconnected with all our agents, hence, censoring daily activity, measuring performance and upholding accountability. In short, we are adapting and have the capability to offer uninterrupted service to all our clients.
PromoCall, is working hard to remain without interruption servicing all of our clients. The company is exerting the highest hygiene standards following health recommendations decreed by the world health organization.